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Gain practical skills to analyze and leverage OST item level data to support developing and monitoring goals in a district or building improvement plan. Learn an effective data analysis protocol and apply this information to OST released items to identify trends and patterns leading to improved Depth of Knowledge (DOK) instruction and student work. Acquire tools to design high-quality student data instruments using OST test blueprints and item type data strengthening alignment between assessments and instruction for the purpose of supporting improved learner outcomes. 


Learn and practice the core principles of responsible data use and analysis - including triangulation, assessing validity & reliability, and making strong inferences and comparisons from data. Action plan using Harvard’s Data Wise 8 Steps and key concepts. As a team, internalize data wise norms through practice with new and useful protocols, such as the Ladder of Inference, Notice & Wondering, and more. Assemble and evaluate your school or district’s assessment inventory and instructional programs inventory. This workshop is aligned to the Ohio Improvement Process.

INSTRUCTIONAL ROUNDS (Observing practice)

Learn and apply the principles of effective and insightful observation of practice: varying purposes for observing practice, meeting structures, norms for evidence, and how to debrief and plan from observation of practice. This can be delivered as a workshop or in a PLC setting.