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why we exist


We are focused on improving schools because we believe they are best positioned to create deep and lasting social change. Cogent is a passionate team that supports partners to build systems for continuous school improvement embedded in the principles of data driven instruction. We are committed to growing teacher capacity by developing and delivering job-embedded and highly customized professional learning in data analysis, technology-based learning, and collaboration. Our multi-faceted approach relies on research and evidence-based strategies and is aligned with the expectations detailed in the Ohio Improvement Process.




Our approach to building sustainable and lasting change in our schools starts with a dedication to teachers and school leaders. Our job-embedded model of professional development ensures teachers acquire the skills and tools they need to drive change and improvement in their classrooms, buildings, and communities. Cogent consultants are partners who will support and grow you - because you have a big goal to reach: change students’ lives, every day.



data driven instruction

Cogent consultants are trained in the most effective data driven instruction (DDI) systems, processes, and protocols available to K-12 educators. Our popular data workshops and job-embedded coaching models will empower your teachers and administrators with targeted information to make critical improvements for students and families.




When properly understood and executed, improvement models are some of the most powerful tools for change. Cogent is different from anything you have experienced in the education sector until now - our consultants have learned and applied multiple approaches to continuous improvement within and beyond K-12 education. Forget about impractical processes made for compliance purposes. Let us show you what strategic improvement can achieve for your school - without the headaches. (And you will wow your auditors - 100% guaranteed).




Is your organization data rich but information poor? Make your data work harder by building custom systems and tools that wrangle all your data and make it accessible to teachers and administrators. Gain incredible insights and plan for action in instruction, behavior, and/or attendance.

I felt like I really made progress analyzing my data. It was nice to be provided a data expert to help us navigate our students’ state assessment data.
— Middle School ELA Teacher